Monday, December 14, 2015

God's incidents

Many people would use coincident to describe some events, but I have lived to learn that these incidents and moment are truly God's incidents.

Case #1: My sister and I hosted a neighborhood gathering this past Saturday. This was the second time we hosted since we moved into this new neighborhood 2 1/2 yrs ago. Yet, we still had not met some of our neighors due to various schedules and new move ins. We knew all along our immediate neighors are related to Mrs. Y, my church friend. During the casual conversation, I mentioned to these Asian neighors that many years ago, I was the medical translator for Mrs. Y's relative and wonder if they know whom I was talking about and also how is that person doing these days? The couple looked at me with wide eyes and disbelief, they were shocked to find out the translator they met nine years ago in the medical center was the hostess and neighbor of this gathering. Instant connection...  I am so thankful that the Lord opens this door for us to connect once again with one another and they may just one day will get to know Whom I beleive and serve. I was only a stranger to them then and they said all these times they were hoping one day they would find this mysterious lady. God paved this connection.

Case #2: A good friend of mine (R) from LA area has been praying alongside with me for my recent medical journey. R has been very faithful, called and texted me often to check on me. She told me many times that her cell group is praying for me too. I thank her for her kindness. Today I received an email from a friend, (E) from many years ago (old church friend) that she has been praying for a lady from Seattle with some blood disorder per one of her cell group member's request. Recently, R decided to show the picture of the lady whom they have been praying for and update them on her condition. E and her husband were shocked to find out the mysterious "Jennie" person that they have been praying these past few months is the Jennie Li that they know so well from ECC (my church). These two incidents happened just last couple of days, I am totally overwhelmed by God's work in our lives.

Our church has been teaching missional life and "Life to life, faith to faith and generation to generation" for these five years. It is not just the sermon, passages from the Bible, but it is indeed our lives. Lord, help me to live a life that is a reflection of your character and your purpose, may our lives bring out the true gospel of why you came to earth to offer us the eternal hope and salvation. I am using the same passage that E sent to me this morning in her email to encourage one another.

II Samuel 7: 18-22 "Who am I, O Sovereign Lord, and what is my family, that you have brought me this far? And as if this were not enough in your sight. O Sovereign Lord, you have also spoken about the future of the house of your servant. Is this your usual way of dealing with me, O Sovereign Lord?
What more can I (the bible said David) say to you? For you know your servant, O Sovereign Lord. For the sake of your word and according to your will, you have done this great thing and make it known to your servant. How great you are, O Sovereign Lord!. There is no one like you, and there is no God but you, as we have heard with our own ears."

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Waking up

Today's blood test finally shows that my blood is slowly waking up. In another word, the count is rising slowly. Praise the lord for this! Even during this period of waiting, I have been enjoying fairly good health and life as usual.

Max Lucado's "In the eyes of the storm", it reminds me time after time, His very presence has never been absent. It is our circumstances that hinder our ability to see and hear. I learned " our storm is His  path", ponder on this statement and experience this truth.

I am just about finishing receiving my immune booster, gamma globulin the treatment center, should be good to face this winter, hopefully. Waiting to get ok to taste sushi again some days.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Does God honor our prayers?

Oct. 12 2015 was a memorable day. As usual Monday morning came around, Hin sing and I were in the hospital waiting for blood drawn, doctor's appointment and the chemo Rx if the blood is ok. This seemed to be a weekly routine now for these few weeks. Well, it turned out that my blood is still not good enough for chemo, after consulting with other hematologists, my doctor decided to hold off my chemo treatment "all together" for the time being. We will proceed to have a bone marrow test next week just to find out what is stopping the marrow producing the good blood. We are at peace with this proposal.

Through out the day, I got calls from our daughter, Erin, to update me about her mother in law, Susannas' condition. She was battling her last stage of bile duct cancer for just more than a year now. Through out the process, esp. during these last few weeks, we called and encouraged each other and prayed for one another during our various journeys. I treasured the time we had together, I got to know her ever since our children started dating and found her to be a woman of great faith. Her life has been a great testimony of God's faithfulness and grace. The Lord took her home on Monday night, the same day I got my message of no more chemo. How ironic that is.

My doctor was very puzzled with my condition, but I kept telling him many people are praying for me, and I am in good hand. On the other hand, many people were also praying for Susanna, does it mean God does not honor those prayers for her? Ryan (our son in law) sent us this video of his mom giving her testimony during one of the church service. I believe she has a great answer to this question.
Susanna Dayala's Testimony

May all our lives be a true testimony for our Lord, one day when we meet Him face to face, He would welcome us as His faithful servants. I also pray that our lives will leave a great legacy for our children to remain faithful, be a living testimony for our Lord Jesus.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Live it to the fullest, live it intentionally

As many of you know that my medical journey is nothing ordinary, even my medical team is searching for an answer. With all that said, reflecting on the last few weeks, I am indeed thankful (shamely to say, not always, esp. during the waiting for the unknown).

Our daughters and their families flew into town to grant me and Hin sing support for the journey, but the journey was uneventful, because the treatments were postponed time after time. I welcome their visit, but so worried that our little grand children will see their grannie without hair and so sick looking. The Lord has been more than gracious, all my hair remained on my head (so far) and I was in relatively good health (without the treatment) and able to enjoy their visits. As I am reminded time after time, I can plan all I want, but the Lord is in charge every bit of our lives. "Many, O Lord my God, are the wonders you have done. The things you planned for us no one can recount to you. Were I to speak and tell of them, they would be too many to declair" (Psalms 40:5) 

With that said, I choose today's blog's title as "Live it to the fullest, live it intentionally". With all the tragedies around us these few weeks, lives can be taken in the blink of an eye. I reflected often have I lived fully for the Lord? It is not how much have I done, but rather how much have I lived?

In a recent memorial service held in our church for the young victim of the Aurora bridge tragedy, I saw a couple who wailed loudly. Later I found out they attended the service because they also have a son injured in the same accident. They witnessed how our church came together to comfort and help with the family who suffered such a tragic loss. The man told someone that he believed in a wrong god (buddhist) and he was truly touched by the love of Christ shared in that evening. That is what I meant fullest and intentionally. May the seeds of gospel take roots in those who heard and witnessed His love.

Back to my own journey, God has placed many people along the path of my recent journey. Do they see Christ in me? God please help me to live intentionally....... Hopefully I can see God's plan more clearly next week while so much unknown ahead of me. Waiting is hard lesson, but I am sure it is for my benefit. "For the Lord is good, His love endures forever" ( Psalms 100:5) 

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Glass Doll

Our younger daughter, Erin and her husband, Ryan came home to rally me on my 2nd round of chemo. I was really encouraged and ready to go through the 2nd treatment. I pad, kindle and my phone all packed and Erin/Ryan, Hin sing and me arrived at the Center. Many people knew about my schedule and prayed for us for this round of treatment. I was so ready......

The doctor came in with my blood test report. Everything looks good except my platlet is dropping to low level. This time it is not the sodium, not the rising of white cell, but it is the platlet. My mind quickly went into action plan, ok, just give me blood then. The doctor shook his head, "we have to find out why your bone marrow is not making the red cell as we have expected. We cannot proceed with the chemo today." Oh, what a disappointment. My perfect plan is to have chemo this week, getting ready for our older daughter, Ling and her family to arrive and spend a week with us. We even went out to shop for toys and play things for our precious grand daughters to enjoy while I can rest at home with them.

This is a bomb, all my plans are crashed, deflated. Yet, when Erin/Ryan drove up to pick us up, a friend of church called me while I was still in the car, she said she went to the treatment center to visit me and found out that my treatment was cancelled. Fortunately I am still there in the parking area. Without me knowing it, God has sent an angel to come all the way from Bothell to just to keep me companied for my treatment and also brought me many goodies as well. While I apologized for wasting her trip, she turned around to encourage me to go out and have a good time with my family. She was right, our Lord does not make mistakes. He is in full charge of my schedule and events, why am I down hearted because of change of schedule?

Earlier while in the doctor's office, I even bargain or better word was to suggest to the doctor that the 2nd round should be on my schedule of convinience and commitment, but he only said, we just have to wait and see. But in the meantime we are scheduling you for next Monday and few tests in between. Oh, remember, don't use knife, don't fall or have cut wound, you will be in danger. I jokingly said, yes sir, I will be a glass doll in the time being, being pampered by my husband and daughters while we wait.

Sun is shinning through my home office while I write this blog, God is reminding me "I am in charge, not you. Submit to me with gladness and enjoy this moment while you can." So here I am, in good health (except my blood), being pampered and planning eat outs with Erin (btw, she is also on work assignment, and I have to honor that too) while I can. Hin sing came home after work, always asking "what would you ladies like to eat tonight?" Wow, what a life.....

Friday, September 11, 2015

Inside out

during this most recent hospitalization, I was assigned to a double room. :(

First enounter: I was really sick when I was admitted into the room. My roommate #1 greeted me warmly, and I tried to settle in after all the commotion. The TV was blasting next to me, this was our conversation.
Me: Mame, I am really tired and want to sleep, do you mind to turn your TV down a bit so that I can rest? (She was watching "the sharks") which is one of my favorite. But nothing done.
Me: oh did you have problem turning the volume button, it is not any lower.
#1: this is the lowest volume it gets.
Me: do you mind if I ask the nurse to come and check out your control?
#1: if you want to, ( sound kind of disgust)
Nurses were summoned and came per my request.
Nurse: Mame, let me check out your control to see if we can adjust the volume
#1: No, this is the volume I normally have to put myself to sleep.
Nurse turned around and said to me, we are taking you out to another room and get you rested. Wow, sounds heavenly to me.

Second encounter: A petite quiet Japanese lady who does not speak English
Never look at a person from his or her appearance. She was combative, trying all night to climb out of bed. Yelling out daughter's name all night long. I felt I was in nursing home environment. I was so frustrated, on the way to bathroom, I looked at her sternly, motions her to zip her lips and close her eyes. My evil look may have scarred her a bit, but not for long.
Morning shift came in with a joyful nursing aid who is loud and not so professional. He played into her mood, those two just stimulate one another and I was about to scream.

Then the charge nurse came to apologize to me for this unfavorable encounter, she send in an Indian volunteer young man to just sit with her to make sure she does not climb out. This young man was on his I phone learning Japanese phrases to communicate with this lady. I told him he is a saint, but he said, "no Mame, I am a fool". TRue humility.

Third encounter:  A 86 yrs old with a French name
Mid night I was awakened by all the commotion next to my empty bed. Aiyahhhh... They promised me to have no more  roommate if they can help. Urinary track infection causes her to call for bathroom help every 5 minutes. I was dead tired and could have cared less. The sweet nurse came and apologized again for not able to fulfill their promise.

Life is full of curve balls, yet every encounter is in God's hand. The outcome of each of these encounters is all depends on what is inside of me. That is the reason I borrowed the movie title "Inside out" to describe my reent journey.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Blood factor

Psalms 139: 13-16 " For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depth of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All days ordained for me were written in your book, before one of them came to be." 
In these past few months, I learned many facts about blood in my system. Though I have some medical training, but blood is definitely not my interest. When my blood work became unbalanced, it affects so many other organs and energy level. In another words, good blood sustain life and give us energy, as simple as that. With chemo, my bad white count goes down which is very promising, but at the same time, I also lose my red blood cells. The doctor was very puzzled and ordered blood transfusion. Even with the additional blood, my red cell continues to drop and finally was stabilized as a result of many prayers. I am so thankful for all the prayer support from people near and far, many of them I have never met, but only through our daughters and friends and family. This makes me think one step deeper…. As I serve as an “online missionary” through an organization, my job was to walk people through the new found faith they discovered through the various web sites. One of the reminder that I send to them is always encourage them to find a faith base community to plug themselves in, learn from others and let others step in to help him/her grow in this spiritual journey. Life could have ups and down, but surround yourself with friends of same faith to be held accountable and learn from one another. Just like I need that two units of someone else’s blood to boost up my count and grant me energy. I am thankful to those who took time to donate their precious blood to help us who are in need. Indeed I am fearfully and wonderfully made by my creator, Hallelujah!!

Thursday, August 27, 2015

What goes up must come down

It is a common saying, what goes up must come down. I always joke about my blood count like the stock market, up and down. While my count climbed too high, over 100,000 (normal should be around 4000), it is time to come down. Everytime, when things need to come down, it Will go through some changes, changes are necessary to make things balanced.
Am I expected this type of changes? Doctor told me, no. This is totally out of ordinary, because I am special. I am specially made by my heavenly father, He know every fabric of my being, my blood make up and all. He provide me a safe environment here in the hospital for close monitor and treatment, I am surrounded by prayers, it could not be better than this.
This is the fourth day here in the hospital, may go to five to stabilize everything before I can be released. Patience is needed for these changes and adjustment. Isn't this true for all our lives?
Here I met with so many compassionate medical staff and truly blessed by their care. Email, phone calls, Facebook messages, we chat and visits indeed offer me great encouragement. Best of all, God's presence in my heart And soul is so evident. This is my life verse to share with you.
Isaiah 43:2-3 "when you go through the waters, I will be with you, through the rivers, they will not go over you, when you go through the fire, you will not be burned, and the flames will have no power over you. for I Am your God, the holy one of Israel, your savior...." Isn't this the best assurance for changes?

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Out of my grip into God's anchor

People always tell me that I am a very organized person, which I take pride in it. But in reality, I am a control freak. I have my diagnosis of CLL (Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia) since 1988, yes, 27 long years. I have alway take pride being the longest cancer survivor in my oncologist's patient list. I outbeat eveyone in the thickness of my chart. Fortunately the medical files have gone digital now, so won't take up too much space to keep mine.

When people asked me all these years, how am I doing with my CLL, I always said, it is in control, whatever that means. Until recently, my blood is out of control (in human form), but totally fall into God's control and timing. I have been blessed for 27 years, experienced the joy of being young mom, crusing through the precious teen age years. Sending our girls to college, seeing them married with Godly men and experienced the joy of being poh poh. Such a satisfying and full life. However, recently, doctor talked to me about possible chemo on and off during my visits.  I would candidly told him I have many various things scheduled in my life, can I have the chemo after this and that event, and my doctor always said "sure, whenever you feel you are ready". Are you kidding. who is ready for chemo?

Well one thing led to another, started to have foot pain, came and gone so suddenly, then petechia (bleeding under my skin) in both legs, and the new blood tests shows some more changes. So I got the call, so to speak. Dr. Fer called and said, "ummm, after presenting your case to the tumor board, the recommendation is do not wait any longer. So come in and put in the port and we can start your chemo right away." I said "wow, that is too soon, I have new commitments since my retirement and all my travel plans to see our friends and children." Things seems out of control but in reality, it is really under God's control. He orchestrated my foot pain, my petechia, and sort of prepared my heart to face this new steps in my journey.

We are blessed with close family and many friends from the church, near and far. The incoming emails, phone calls are overwhelming, the care and love pouring in every minutes of these last few days with this new developement. So the journey begins, and yes, it seems to be an unwelcoming interruption and bump on the road, but I strongly believe they are only stepping stones to experience God's grace and many blessings.

Just before I went into the surgery to have my port inserted, a friend sent me this message:

God is good
God is love
God is able 
God is faithful
Fear not 
Only believe

Wow, did I need these reminder as I react to the anti-biotic prior to the procedure. My head got so itchy and could not scratch it due to sterilized enviroment and my hands are all tied down. What could I do except to remember these words before I was put to sleep. Thank you Jesus for the timely reminder. Indeed He is faithful and I am in His anchor. Just release!!!! Still learning.......

Friday, August 14, 2015

Back to the piano bench

At age 70, I finally started my retirement phase. I kept asking the Lord what and where I can serve you? Without any clue at the beginning, i was approached to be a discussion leader for the upcoming CBS. I said ok, it is about time for me to give back after so many years at BSF and CBS.

Then one day during coffee hours after worship, the choir director came and asked me if I can be the pianist for the English choir. I said, "What?" I have not been a formal pianist for more than 33 years and I only played for my own pleasure. I told her i need a bit of time to digest this request. My training was always in the classical, but not all those "funny rhythm". Actually, back in April, the Lord has already planted the seed in my heart to go back to my piano when we attended a concert at the cruise to Mediterranean. I even told my siblings, it is time for me to get back onto the bench. But had no idea that back to the bench means started a new serving opportunity with the choir.

In the past, I have been an accompanist for many years in my yesterday years. Once we moved to Seattle, there are so many accomplished pianists at church, so my gift is not needed in this area. I took the back seat and only played as needed. Though I have been very experienced to be the accompanist for any choir in Los Angeles, but with all these contemporary music, it is a different story. The ECC Choir drector approached me recently after I retired...I told the Lord that I am willing to give it a try if He helps me. So I got the music, mine o mine, they are different. Lots of rhythm, key changes and totally not my familiar style. Then I asked the Lord to give me a learning spirit, at this age of 70, I can still learn. My poor neighbors will have to suffer through my practise. At first, it did not sound too right, too many key changes, and the rhythem was off. Little by little, I feel more confident and able to play through those songs with emotion and dynamic. The phrase "not your ability, but your availability" kept me going. How true! I have no excuse, the Lord has given me years of learning and practise, though the gift needs to be taken down from the shelve, dust it, shake it and oil it to make it work again. I am willing, so God is doing His work through me. What a joy that is. May my serving not to glorify myself, but to testify God's precious provision.

Thank you Jesus for all these opportunities, may I be faithful in serving You.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

A SIM card

My cell reception at home is very sporatic, I  installed digial booster, not much improvement. The T mobile technician said, no, you need Cell spot booster, not the digital ones. So I changed the units and even went out to get a new phone. It seems to work a few days after the new gadget arrived, but now, back to the same old comments I got... "Hey, Jennie, you are in and out of your phone conversation." My husband would say "Ling, why didn't you pick up your phone and my call to you always went to your voice mail." Or I missed important calls from my doctor's office. I about had it, ready to switch out of T mobile.

I decided to call the technical dept again, I am sure they had records of all my phone calls in the last few months. The rep. was very polite, "Ms. Li, let me look into your account and try to help you." I was put on hold for long while for her to read my record and she came back to tell me everything checked out ok, but only one thing you need to do. I thought I think iI had heard this phrase many times before. Only one thing? what is the one thing? She said, please go to to a local store to get a new SIM card. Your card is too old and cannot receive signal properly. What????

I went to the store, familiar faces there, they are so tired of seeing this grey hair lady coming in. But I told them what the rep told me, check my record, and Susan, the last technical support had put a note to my account to issue me a new SIM card. I asked the store rep. why a new SIM card? he shrugged and said, " it is too old, is not functioning or receving signal properly." Good thing he is talking about my SIM card, not me.

Now. this makes me thinking, so often, my conncection with the Lord became so old, I relied on other "knowledge" and "technology" to help me understand or proceed with life without really being connected to my heavenly Father. No wonder I have dropped calls, didn't hear it ring, went into voice mail and never even knew there is a voice mail msg there waiting for me.

Oh, heavenly Father, forgive me for being so distracted by all the other things around without getting to the right connection. Pray that my daily time with you will be refreshing, sweet and full of life from you. Amen.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Shinning through

As the sun shinning through my office window, Lord, may my life be a true reflection of your glory this very day. I will take one day at a time, may your words come alive in me and help me to understand your purpose in my life during this retirement stage. Teach me each day Lord. help me to live intentionally for the purpose you have called me. thank you.

Waiting room

Today, I went in for my annual mammogram. After I got changed and sat in the inside waiting area, there were so many ladies sitting there already wearing the same hospital gown that I have. Everyone was minding her own business, some were on their cell phone, some with a book, others like me, with a magazine that I picked up from the coffee table.

As I sat there and just wondered how many of us sitting there has anxious thought. For me, I did not expect any "bad" report nor "surprises". But wait, how could I be so sure? Since I will be seeing Dr. Fer next week, so I have asked for quick review and consultation. I must admit when the technician called my name with my result, my heart skipped a beat. But seeing the smile on her face, I relaxed immediately. I was thankful that the result is good and no changes from previous years. But not everyone would have the same result as I have. Recently, one of our friends just found out she has cancer through a routine mammogram, immediately her life turned upside down, busy looking for oncologist, surgeons, second opinion etc. etc.  Our lives can change in a spit second, but one thing for sure, we have Jesus as our anchor. Though storm came our way without expectation, but He knew far ahead and prepared every path for us already. We are tenderly anchored in Him for that eternal peace and comfort.