Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Glass Doll

Our younger daughter, Erin and her husband, Ryan came home to rally me on my 2nd round of chemo. I was really encouraged and ready to go through the 2nd treatment. I pad, kindle and my phone all packed and Erin/Ryan, Hin sing and me arrived at the Center. Many people knew about my schedule and prayed for us for this round of treatment. I was so ready......

The doctor came in with my blood test report. Everything looks good except my platlet is dropping to low level. This time it is not the sodium, not the rising of white cell, but it is the platlet. My mind quickly went into action plan, ok, just give me blood then. The doctor shook his head, "we have to find out why your bone marrow is not making the red cell as we have expected. We cannot proceed with the chemo today." Oh, what a disappointment. My perfect plan is to have chemo this week, getting ready for our older daughter, Ling and her family to arrive and spend a week with us. We even went out to shop for toys and play things for our precious grand daughters to enjoy while I can rest at home with them.

This is a bomb, all my plans are crashed, deflated. Yet, when Erin/Ryan drove up to pick us up, a friend of church called me while I was still in the car, she said she went to the treatment center to visit me and found out that my treatment was cancelled. Fortunately I am still there in the parking area. Without me knowing it, God has sent an angel to come all the way from Bothell to just to keep me companied for my treatment and also brought me many goodies as well. While I apologized for wasting her trip, she turned around to encourage me to go out and have a good time with my family. She was right, our Lord does not make mistakes. He is in full charge of my schedule and events, why am I down hearted because of change of schedule?

Earlier while in the doctor's office, I even bargain or better word was to suggest to the doctor that the 2nd round should be on my schedule of convinience and commitment, but he only said, we just have to wait and see. But in the meantime we are scheduling you for next Monday and few tests in between. Oh, remember, don't use knife, don't fall or have cut wound, you will be in danger. I jokingly said, yes sir, I will be a glass doll in the time being, being pampered by my husband and daughters while we wait.

Sun is shinning through my home office while I write this blog, God is reminding me "I am in charge, not you. Submit to me with gladness and enjoy this moment while you can." So here I am, in good health (except my blood), being pampered and planning eat outs with Erin (btw, she is also on work assignment, and I have to honor that too) while I can. Hin sing came home after work, always asking "what would you ladies like to eat tonight?" Wow, what a life.....

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