Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Waking up

Today's blood test finally shows that my blood is slowly waking up. In another word, the count is rising slowly. Praise the lord for this! Even during this period of waiting, I have been enjoying fairly good health and life as usual.

Max Lucado's "In the eyes of the storm", it reminds me time after time, His very presence has never been absent. It is our circumstances that hinder our ability to see and hear. I learned " our storm is His  path", ponder on this statement and experience this truth.

I am just about finishing receiving my immune booster, gamma globulin the treatment center, should be good to face this winter, hopefully. Waiting to get ok to taste sushi again some days.


  1. Ling-yee, it brings tears to my eyes how positively you can face something like this. How encouraging! To God be the glory for your amazing witness to Him. We are praying as a family for you to recover fully and for your physical health to catch up to your spiritual fortitude. Much love to you from all of us! xo

    1. it is interesting how you wrote on my blog. In fact, you and your family are a great inspiration to me. As young as you folks are, you indeed live out His commission and plan. I told your parents so many times how much i appreciate the work you folks do and the blog you share. Always so inspiring and encouraging. Send our love to your lovely family.
