Thursday, August 27, 2015

What goes up must come down

It is a common saying, what goes up must come down. I always joke about my blood count like the stock market, up and down. While my count climbed too high, over 100,000 (normal should be around 4000), it is time to come down. Everytime, when things need to come down, it Will go through some changes, changes are necessary to make things balanced.
Am I expected this type of changes? Doctor told me, no. This is totally out of ordinary, because I am special. I am specially made by my heavenly father, He know every fabric of my being, my blood make up and all. He provide me a safe environment here in the hospital for close monitor and treatment, I am surrounded by prayers, it could not be better than this.
This is the fourth day here in the hospital, may go to five to stabilize everything before I can be released. Patience is needed for these changes and adjustment. Isn't this true for all our lives?
Here I met with so many compassionate medical staff and truly blessed by their care. Email, phone calls, Facebook messages, we chat and visits indeed offer me great encouragement. Best of all, God's presence in my heart And soul is so evident. This is my life verse to share with you.
Isaiah 43:2-3 "when you go through the waters, I will be with you, through the rivers, they will not go over you, when you go through the fire, you will not be burned, and the flames will have no power over you. for I Am your God, the holy one of Israel, your savior...." Isn't this the best assurance for changes?


  1. Hi Jennie, how are you today, hope feeling better. Been wanting to call or text you, but i wasn't sure how you were feeling and i don't want to trouble you. Tim and I are constantly lifting you in our prayer, and prayed that all wil be well and you'll be home soon. I know our loving Father is always there by your side to carry you through this difficult time. GBU and your family.

  2. I didn't know that you need to be in the hospital for so many days for chemo. Must be tough. Be strong and take heart as HE is with you!
