Wednesday, March 9, 2016

My "handicapable sign" is soon to expire

One of the perk for my recent journey is having this handicapped sign- it saved us a ton of money for parking during the many medical appointments and treatments and also the conviniences of finding a parking spot. My son in law, Ryan, always called this "handicapable" sign. I am glad that my journey is about to end temporarily, the tumor board agreed to hold off my treatment for the time being and re-check my blood every six weeks. I am good with such a decision and really want to take this time to thank all my friends and family for your fervent prayers, care and kindness. God indeed has done wonder in my life which I feel so unworthy. I do not know nor understand why my journey is a success to a certain degree while others are not as what we have prayed and hoped for. I do not deserve this special treatment from the Lord and yet, will pledge to INTENTIONALLY live it to the fullest for Him.

Today, I went to Children Hospital to visit a little friend, Ava, 7 years old from Chicago, who is fighting against the cancer in her tiny body. She and her family are new friends to us, our temporary neighbors at this moment. I told Ava I will ask all my friends who have been praying for me all these months will stop praying for me, but instead, to pray for little Ava. She gave me a sweetest smile and said, "thank you."

"Lord, I thank you for your special care for me all these months, may I ask you humbly to take care of our little friend, Ava and grant her days and years of good health and recovery. Grant strength to her family as they go through this difficult journey with her. You love her just as much you love me, take good care of her during the treatment process. Thank you. In your precious Son's name I pray, Amen"

This is written by Ava's mom, Esther.


  1. 很高兴知道你暂时不需要化疗,不得不说你是神特别爱和眷顾的人。为你真心高兴!


    1. thank you Christine. Your weekly greeting and constant prayers carried me through this journey. I am deeply indebted to your kindness and friendship. Blessing to you and your family
