Thursday, October 15, 2015

Does God honor our prayers?

Oct. 12 2015 was a memorable day. As usual Monday morning came around, Hin sing and I were in the hospital waiting for blood drawn, doctor's appointment and the chemo Rx if the blood is ok. This seemed to be a weekly routine now for these few weeks. Well, it turned out that my blood is still not good enough for chemo, after consulting with other hematologists, my doctor decided to hold off my chemo treatment "all together" for the time being. We will proceed to have a bone marrow test next week just to find out what is stopping the marrow producing the good blood. We are at peace with this proposal.

Through out the day, I got calls from our daughter, Erin, to update me about her mother in law, Susannas' condition. She was battling her last stage of bile duct cancer for just more than a year now. Through out the process, esp. during these last few weeks, we called and encouraged each other and prayed for one another during our various journeys. I treasured the time we had together, I got to know her ever since our children started dating and found her to be a woman of great faith. Her life has been a great testimony of God's faithfulness and grace. The Lord took her home on Monday night, the same day I got my message of no more chemo. How ironic that is.

My doctor was very puzzled with my condition, but I kept telling him many people are praying for me, and I am in good hand. On the other hand, many people were also praying for Susanna, does it mean God does not honor those prayers for her? Ryan (our son in law) sent us this video of his mom giving her testimony during one of the church service. I believe she has a great answer to this question.
Susanna Dayala's Testimony

May all our lives be a true testimony for our Lord, one day when we meet Him face to face, He would welcome us as His faithful servants. I also pray that our lives will leave a great legacy for our children to remain faithful, be a living testimony for our Lord Jesus.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Live it to the fullest, live it intentionally

As many of you know that my medical journey is nothing ordinary, even my medical team is searching for an answer. With all that said, reflecting on the last few weeks, I am indeed thankful (shamely to say, not always, esp. during the waiting for the unknown).

Our daughters and their families flew into town to grant me and Hin sing support for the journey, but the journey was uneventful, because the treatments were postponed time after time. I welcome their visit, but so worried that our little grand children will see their grannie without hair and so sick looking. The Lord has been more than gracious, all my hair remained on my head (so far) and I was in relatively good health (without the treatment) and able to enjoy their visits. As I am reminded time after time, I can plan all I want, but the Lord is in charge every bit of our lives. "Many, O Lord my God, are the wonders you have done. The things you planned for us no one can recount to you. Were I to speak and tell of them, they would be too many to declair" (Psalms 40:5) 

With that said, I choose today's blog's title as "Live it to the fullest, live it intentionally". With all the tragedies around us these few weeks, lives can be taken in the blink of an eye. I reflected often have I lived fully for the Lord? It is not how much have I done, but rather how much have I lived?

In a recent memorial service held in our church for the young victim of the Aurora bridge tragedy, I saw a couple who wailed loudly. Later I found out they attended the service because they also have a son injured in the same accident. They witnessed how our church came together to comfort and help with the family who suffered such a tragic loss. The man told someone that he believed in a wrong god (buddhist) and he was truly touched by the love of Christ shared in that evening. That is what I meant fullest and intentionally. May the seeds of gospel take roots in those who heard and witnessed His love.

Back to my own journey, God has placed many people along the path of my recent journey. Do they see Christ in me? God please help me to live intentionally....... Hopefully I can see God's plan more clearly next week while so much unknown ahead of me. Waiting is hard lesson, but I am sure it is for my benefit. "For the Lord is good, His love endures forever" ( Psalms 100:5)