Wednesday, August 7, 2019

A time for everything.... Foot steps and wheel tread

There are a lot of changes in the city that I called home for the last 38 years (almost). This city has built a good reputation as the most livable city to ummm something not so good. Many things have changed to the credit of "progression".

Northgate is the area where I live, in fact, Northgate mall is the first mall built in USA, it was converted from an outdoor mall into an indoor mall due to weather issues. Guess what? the current management decides to tear down this historical mall and make it into an commercial/residential development plus building three ice skating rings. I am one who likes newness, but am saddened by the fact that the mall is being torn down. We walk "the mall" 2 to 3 times a week as our exercises, especially during the wet and cold winter. Today, most of the stores are closed, skeleton crew are left inside some of the stores to do the clean up and clear out. My 4600 steps (each time) in this mall will soon to be history and memories. I met a lot of friends in this mall, it is a very convinient place to tell people where to meet, "Meet me at the Northgate Mall". Oh, how much I will miss this phrase because it will be a lot of construction activities around that area in the near future.

The second big change is the demolition of the viaduct, the old highway 99 in Seattle downtown area. With the ever growing of Seattle population and traffic is a nightmare especially we have to travel from North to the airport in the South. There are many trips to the airport among family and friends, we offered our free services many times and had to use the Hwy 99 (viaduct) instead of the I-5 freeway due to congestion. The viaduct was old and not earthquake proof, so everytime, we drove through this viaduct, I had to say a prayer for special protection. I told the Lord I don't mind going to see Him in heaven, but please don't let me buried under this bridge. Well with many years of planning and bureaucratic hurdles and the new tunnel finally completed after 6 years of  construction time  (3 years behind schedule) and we are now enjoying the new tunnel (soon to be tolled too). The picture above shows that old viaduct is being torned down, it was built 10 ft next to some of the office/residental building along the way. I am not sure what those tenants are being compensated for the disturbance of noise and "shakes" from the concrete demolition.

There will be no changes without the old being gone, in the same manner, there will not be new character built without the old self being demolished. This reminds me of two verses,
II Cor. 4: 16, Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. Also in 5:17, Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is new creation, the old has gone, the new has come! Contantly asking the Lord to transform me and grant me teachable heart and spirit.