Monday, June 17, 2019

2019 travel log

This May-June we have embarked 4 trips back to back. There are so many things going through my mind and these are my thoughts:

San Diego: Hin sing and I went down to visit our daughters and grand daughters briefly. During the visit, our daughter told us that her two little girls (now age 5 and 9) had accepted Jesus at various time in their lives. Oh, this was the best news ever and we rejoiced greatly with this news.

Sapporo, Hokkaido: This was a trip as a gift to us to visit the famous Hokkaido Japan. We were very impressed  by the cleanliness and politeness of the Japanese culture. During the trip (Signet Tour), we met a gentleman, traveling alone at the urge of his daughter. He has been caring for his wife 7 years with advanced alzheimer and he desperately needs a break. We took him under our wings of 6 to be friended with him and shared the gospel with him. He lives in the east coast and happened to be the same town of my spiritual mentor. So we made some connections for him to support him for this lonely journey and pray that the Lord will bring someone along to minister to him.

Mayo buddies: Four of us living together while we studied at Mayo Clinic long ago. We managed to meet up every other year. This year, our destination was in Montana. We flew into Bozeman, drove up to Big Sky and Yellowstone park. Praising God for his magnificient creation, they are breath taking. Besides enjoying the scenery, we shared out lives together, deep talk and honest sharing. The Lord opened my eyes to see some of the blindspots that I have through my good friend. It was painful to hear yet very honest and true. What is transformation without changing? What is sanctification without teachable spirit? I pray for humility to accept the comments and make changes in my life. Yes, never too old to learn or to change.

St. Paul Minnesota: We attended Hin sing's brother's "Celebration of Life" event. Many of his brothers' buddies flew in from various states. They all are very successful academically and enjoyed life long career and now in retirement stage. In conversation, they kept asking us what do you do in your retriement? " your children and grand children are not living in the same town, no grannie duties, and how do you spend your time? Shopping? Mahjong games? Traveling? Casino? " ummm, it is hard to make them understand our purpose in life is so different, we are living a full life connectiong with people, families, friends, strangers and neighbors. Hin sing took every opportunity to share the gospel with them, it is hard for them to understand and accept..... Continue to sow seeds when the opportunities are given.