Wednesday, August 7, 2019

A time for everything.... Foot steps and wheel tread

There are a lot of changes in the city that I called home for the last 38 years (almost). This city has built a good reputation as the most livable city to ummm something not so good. Many things have changed to the credit of "progression".

Northgate is the area where I live, in fact, Northgate mall is the first mall built in USA, it was converted from an outdoor mall into an indoor mall due to weather issues. Guess what? the current management decides to tear down this historical mall and make it into an commercial/residential development plus building three ice skating rings. I am one who likes newness, but am saddened by the fact that the mall is being torn down. We walk "the mall" 2 to 3 times a week as our exercises, especially during the wet and cold winter. Today, most of the stores are closed, skeleton crew are left inside some of the stores to do the clean up and clear out. My 4600 steps (each time) in this mall will soon to be history and memories. I met a lot of friends in this mall, it is a very convinient place to tell people where to meet, "Meet me at the Northgate Mall". Oh, how much I will miss this phrase because it will be a lot of construction activities around that area in the near future.

The second big change is the demolition of the viaduct, the old highway 99 in Seattle downtown area. With the ever growing of Seattle population and traffic is a nightmare especially we have to travel from North to the airport in the South. There are many trips to the airport among family and friends, we offered our free services many times and had to use the Hwy 99 (viaduct) instead of the I-5 freeway due to congestion. The viaduct was old and not earthquake proof, so everytime, we drove through this viaduct, I had to say a prayer for special protection. I told the Lord I don't mind going to see Him in heaven, but please don't let me buried under this bridge. Well with many years of planning and bureaucratic hurdles and the new tunnel finally completed after 6 years of  construction time  (3 years behind schedule) and we are now enjoying the new tunnel (soon to be tolled too). The picture above shows that old viaduct is being torned down, it was built 10 ft next to some of the office/residental building along the way. I am not sure what those tenants are being compensated for the disturbance of noise and "shakes" from the concrete demolition.

There will be no changes without the old being gone, in the same manner, there will not be new character built without the old self being demolished. This reminds me of two verses,
II Cor. 4: 16, Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. Also in 5:17, Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is new creation, the old has gone, the new has come! Contantly asking the Lord to transform me and grant me teachable heart and spirit.

Monday, June 17, 2019

2019 travel log

This May-June we have embarked 4 trips back to back. There are so many things going through my mind and these are my thoughts:

San Diego: Hin sing and I went down to visit our daughters and grand daughters briefly. During the visit, our daughter told us that her two little girls (now age 5 and 9) had accepted Jesus at various time in their lives. Oh, this was the best news ever and we rejoiced greatly with this news.

Sapporo, Hokkaido: This was a trip as a gift to us to visit the famous Hokkaido Japan. We were very impressed  by the cleanliness and politeness of the Japanese culture. During the trip (Signet Tour), we met a gentleman, traveling alone at the urge of his daughter. He has been caring for his wife 7 years with advanced alzheimer and he desperately needs a break. We took him under our wings of 6 to be friended with him and shared the gospel with him. He lives in the east coast and happened to be the same town of my spiritual mentor. So we made some connections for him to support him for this lonely journey and pray that the Lord will bring someone along to minister to him.

Mayo buddies: Four of us living together while we studied at Mayo Clinic long ago. We managed to meet up every other year. This year, our destination was in Montana. We flew into Bozeman, drove up to Big Sky and Yellowstone park. Praising God for his magnificient creation, they are breath taking. Besides enjoying the scenery, we shared out lives together, deep talk and honest sharing. The Lord opened my eyes to see some of the blindspots that I have through my good friend. It was painful to hear yet very honest and true. What is transformation without changing? What is sanctification without teachable spirit? I pray for humility to accept the comments and make changes in my life. Yes, never too old to learn or to change.

St. Paul Minnesota: We attended Hin sing's brother's "Celebration of Life" event. Many of his brothers' buddies flew in from various states. They all are very successful academically and enjoyed life long career and now in retirement stage. In conversation, they kept asking us what do you do in your retriement? " your children and grand children are not living in the same town, no grannie duties, and how do you spend your time? Shopping? Mahjong games? Traveling? Casino? " ummm, it is hard to make them understand our purpose in life is so different, we are living a full life connectiong with people, families, friends, strangers and neighbors. Hin sing took every opportunity to share the gospel with them, it is hard for them to understand and accept..... Continue to sow seeds when the opportunities are given.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019


Encounter #1

My husband and I were sitting in the front row of a flight. Wait, don't take me wrong, it was not first class, it is the "Glorified Greyhound" flight we were flying. Since I had to use wheelchair for my "gout episode", we got to go on the plane first. We both occupied the aisle and middle seats, I told my husband not to give any eye contacts to the incoming passengers, may be we won't have the third person in our window seat. What a selfish thought that was!  Sure enough, it was a full flight, the last person got on the plane came to occupy the seat next to me. Half way on this flight, the young lady sat next to me and I strike a conversation. She was going to Seattle for job interview and prepare her move from mid-west to Seattle just to get away from the snow. (She had no idea that Seattle snow like never before, broke the 70 years record). But anyway, I asked her if she goes to church. I sensed a brief pause from her, she told me that she used to go to church because her dad is a senior pastor of a mega church in midwest. We exchanged some personal information and background, she said, "My mother would be so happy that I met you on this flight" because I introduce her to a church what is fairly close to where she will be living. She then asked me what is my name, I jokingly said, my first name is Auntie, and middle name is Jennie. She burst out laughing said, "oh, my goodness, my parents will be so please that I found an auntie in Seattle." I told her that I am sure her parents had rallied many people to pray for her and her new adventure. We departed the plane with exchanged text and email.

Encounter #2

First couple of our snow days, we were still able to drive out for errands. As I made a stop on a side street, the car behind me was not able to stop due to icy road, and bumped into my car. Oh No, was my first reaction. As I went out the car to assess the damage, the young man from the car behind jumped out his car and apologized profusely for hitting me. He was more nervous than I  was. Fortunately both cars did not have much damage, and we exchanged information and I asked the young man to move our cars to a flat area to assess the situation again. He quickly came and helped me into my car because the street was icy. Very gentle and considerable action on his part.
Upon returning to my home, I found at least 10 text messages from this young man D. He again and again apologized for the hit and wanted to know if I am ok and if my car is ok. I told him few times that I am so impressed by his attitude and we need more young people like him in this day and age.
I even got a text message from D the next morning to make sure I was able to have a good night sleep. Wow, what a nice young man that the Lord has put him across my path.

These two encounters were not planned, yet the Lord brought this young lady and the nice young man to bless me, I thank the Lord for giving me the various opportunities to meet them. We can turn some "not so good" situation into something beautiful. Thank you Jesus.

On Line Classess

A special announcement popped up on my screen recently to invite me to join the  FREE on line studies by Dallas Theological Seminary (DTS). Why not? I told myself.

I diligently finished two studies, Story of Scripture and Jonah/Ruth. Not known to me, after each lesson, I had to take a test. I told myself, it is a piece of cake, easily get my 100% correct answers. Well it did happened at the beginning, as my carelessness and pride slowly got into my head, at times I got only 60%, oh, my pride suffered a big time.

Though the content of the Online lessons seem familiar to me, I still found that there are still much more for me to learn. At the begining of 2019, I planned to spend more time in studying the Bible, not for the knowledge, but to have those principles of His Words touch and change my life.

Recently, our pastor shared "The Diary of the Bible", and I found it on the web and  share this with you. A great reminder and reflection how little do I treasure this book.

The Diary of a Bible 

JANUARY 15 - I've been resting quietly for a week. The first few nights after New year's Day my owner read me regularly. But now I guess I've been forgotten.
FEBRUARY 24 - I got out to Sunday School today and my owner used me for family devotions.
APRIL 10 - I was dusted today and put on the center table in the living room. Special company was here, but now I'm back on the shelf again.
MAY 12 - Busy day. My owner had to lead a lesson at church. Had quite a time finding me, and then hunted and hunted to find the texts he needed.
JUNE 5 - I'm in grandma's lap. She's here on a visit. She let a tear fall on Colossians 2:5- 7 when Paul praised the believers for living in Jesus.
JUNE 9 - In grandma's lap again. I've been here every day. It is such a comfort to be appreciated and loved.
JUNE 10 - Grandma is gone and I'm back in the same old place. She kissed me before she left.
JULY 4 - Had a couple of 4-leaf clovers stuck in me today.
AUGUST 1 - Packed in a suitcase with clothes. Off on a vacation, I guess.
AUGUST 7 - Still in the suitcase.
AUGUST 15 - Home again and on the shelf. Not sure why he took me along.
OCTOBER 18 - Pastor visited today, so I was put on the center table in the living room.
NOVEMBER 10 - Was brought to church today and held up to be counted.
DECEMBER 16 - Dusted off today but not opened. Wish grandma would come and visit again.
DECEMBER 31 - Today I was used at the dinner table. Each member of the family was blindfolded in turn and put a finger on a "good luck" verse for the new year. Everyone was quiet when my owner's finger landed on Hosea 4:6.

Copyright 1999 Gibson Family Productions