Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Outward appearance does not solve the heart issue.

People have been commenting on my phone, being too big, too heavy. But I like my phone, good size for my eye sight and I particularly like the quality of pictures of this phone. Oh, did I mention the stylus that come with it, so handy, so cool. Not until......

Recently I found my phone is not working well, drop calls  or not able to dial out nor in. The usage is very limited. I tried many ways to fix this problem. Besides seeking help from technicians and our phone carrier, I even brought a new case, a new protection shield, and hope these newness will help the condition of my phone. How deceiving this is. Beauty on the outsides definitely would not solve the internal issue. "Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart" (I Samuel 16:7b)

The diagnosis of this dysfunctional phone is because T mobile has upgraded their system recently, the new system and technology do not work well with my Verison unlocked phone. The operating system is different with these two carriers. This answer is a devastated news to me.

As I ponder on this issue, God reveals this spiritual lesson to me. I can do all kinds of good things, speak the right words, show kindness to many people and even teach Sunday school.  But if my inside operating system is not in line with Gods' word and His kingdom living, all these outward behavior are of no value in God's eyes. So simple yet so thought provoking.

p.s. God is so humerous, I struggled whether to part with my love (the phone that is)  or pursue with a new. Then I came across an devotional, titled " Let Go of the old and Embrace Gods' New".
"But forget all that-- it is nothing compared to what I am going to do. For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! do you not see it?" (Isaiah 43:18-19a)

Yes, my new phone is not the same as the old, but at least it is in full function like a phone should be.