Saturday, April 22, 2017


It has been a long while since my last posting. Some friends of mine asked me about this and worried about my health. Bless their hearts and concern, I am happy to report that I have been blessed with reasonable health, projects and travel had taken up pretty much of my time these past few months. Before I shared about my reflection, I need to quote something I read today. Janice Dean, the meterologist from Fox News shared her thought after she had a cosmetic surgery to tighten her skin around her neck. It was a scarry and painful journey for her due to unforeseen complication. The title of her sharing was "A real pain in the neck". She said " We spent too much time focused on our flaws instead of embracing the things that make us shine". How true and profound this statement is. Too often, we centered our lives on our poor health, obssess with our weight control, (to gain or to lose) and missing out the things that make us shine. Even though this is not a verse from the Bible, but a good quote to remember......

I was blessed with a short trip to my birth place, Shanghai with 3 other siblings. To our great surprise, we were able to find the place where we used to live. All four of us siblings jumped off the Didi Chuxing (Uber in Chinese version), rushed to take picture in front of this old house. We are not sure if this house has been rebuilt or not, nonetheless, we were elated and excited. Why? Because we remembered the many stories our mom told us about this house we used to live and the district where we  resided. Our oldest siblings would still remembered some of the events taken place there, but not me, I was just way too young when we left this place for Hong Kong.

(The top picture was taken in 1982, but the tottom one in 3/19/2017, noticed the street was occupied by cars instead of bicyles)

On the way to Shanghai, I finished writing a book for our precious grand daughter's 7th birthday. The Title is "A Little Girl From China". It has 12 stories, telling stories of  her Tai Poh, Poh Poh, Mommie and herself. All along, I pride myself as good story teller, and our girls have encouraged me from time to time to write about my stories. So here is the first try. I am really excited about this project, it is my love gift to our grand child, but also a journey of reflection. Reflecting on God's many goodness, grace and loving kindness through out my life. So the trip we made back to my birth place has significant meaning to me.

Wait.... people who got a preview of this book reminded me that I need to get ready to write another one for J. Hopefully, in a few years to go, I  still remember other stories that I need to write about for her.