Sunday, June 12, 2016

His eyes is on the sparrow

"I sing because I am happy, I sing because I am free, His eyes is on the sparrow, and I know He watches over me." I learned to play this hymn long ago, I took it as a challenge because it is a 5 Flats composition. I love the melody and I love the lyrics. I sing this song many times, never before I experienced His "watching over me" as much as my recent trip to the east coast.

Every year around mother's day weekend, my siblings and spouses got together in Toronto for a few days just to catch up and for a mini-reunion. This year we made an extra extension to Boston. We had a fantastic time together, lots of seafood feast and lots of laughter. I am so thankful as a family who shares the same faith, we prayed together a lot as well. Before we took off (two older siblings, one in law and me) driving back to Toronto from Boston, all the siblings prayed for our trip's safety. It was just a routine prayer I thought, because we do that all the time. (don't take this for granted)

We were about half way between Boston and Toronto, I was awaken with our car moving left and right, hitting the soft shoulder on the right, then bounced back and forth till we hit the median guard rail on the New York Throughway (I-90). Wow, no time to react, before I knew it, the car stopped at the shoulder next to the guard rail by the fast lane, all 8 airbags exploded immediately. My brother immediately calling us out to see if we are ok. To our huge surprise, all four of us did not sustain any injury except some muscle ache due to the seatbelt's protection. Both the Highway patrol and the tow truck drivers said to us, "The good Lord must be on your side, you didn't hit anyone on the freeway and none of you are injured". As the tow truck was hauling our car onto the flatbed truck, I asked the police what do people do when they have an accident on the freeway? He told us that we will be transported to the nearest town, then you find your way home. Did I hear him right? We were in no where near any big town, 5 hours from Toronto, about 4 hours from Boston, mine o mine, God was watching over us just like the song said. Piece by piece, siblings left in Boston made many calls for us to book hotel room in Buffalo NY where we needed to drop off the rental car. Then booked bus tickets for us to go home from Buffalo back to Toronto. Section by section, we finally made it back to Toronto 24 hours later. (I will spare you with all the details, but I have to share with you that our Lord was with us the entire time, things just don't happen coincidently. He orchestrated every single steps and pieces for us.... got a rental car in a tiny town, only minutes before they closed for the weekend, hotel, taxi, bus, etc.)

We all had our PTSD, could not close our eyes to rest and sleep, the entire crash incident would appear repeatedly in our mind. Then this song (His eyes is on the sparrow) came into my mind. Indeed our Lord has been watching over us, it was a miracle that we all survived without injury except the car was totalled and left in a small town garage.

These couple of days, I was reading Psalm 106 -108, the writers of these Psalms recorded what the Lord has done for His people.

"Give thank  to the Lord, for he is good, his love endures forever." (106:1, 107:1)
"My heart is steadfast, O God; I will sing and make music with all my soul." (108:1)

It would not be right if I hold back this incident without giving thanks to the Lord and it is a huge reminder to me and many that our lives really is in God's hand. I feel so unworthy for all these goodness that came my way. I pray and hope that my life is worth His calling.