Saturday, May 7, 2016

Mother's day sighting

With Mother's day around the corner, I received gifts, flowers, videos, email and surprises from love ones. It is an exciting time of the year. I began to understand why God created woman (Eve) to examplify part of God's character. Mothers seems to get more acknowledgement than fathers, (sorry guys!) I guess because of the nurturing nature of mothers.

What kind of mother's day sighting did I witnessed yesterday? I was driving on 405 S, traffic slowed down due to an accident. As every car was about to pick up the speed, a few cars ahead of me made a sudden stop, I saw all the brake dust flying in the air. Not just one car, but cars of the entire free way of 5 lanes also stop. Wow, what is going on?

This is what I saw: a mother duck with her little ones crossing the busy freeway 405 S.

I imagine that mother duck said to her little ducks, hey, "we need to go over to the other side of the road, it is important that you will be brave, just follow me and we will make it." Isn't this what mothers do sometimes, facing the most challenging situations and have to " pretend" that you are brave, just stay together and follow me. This idea may not be the wisest one may say, but love is not logical. In the same manner, God sent His only Son to come and die for us in this sinful world, totally not logical and senseless, yet, because of His love, we are saved.

May you have a blessed mother's day. We do miss our mom (grandma and great grandma) at lot especially during this season.

p.s. No, I didn't take this picture while driving, just in case you wonder.