Monday, December 14, 2015

God's incidents

Many people would use coincident to describe some events, but I have lived to learn that these incidents and moment are truly God's incidents.

Case #1: My sister and I hosted a neighborhood gathering this past Saturday. This was the second time we hosted since we moved into this new neighborhood 2 1/2 yrs ago. Yet, we still had not met some of our neighors due to various schedules and new move ins. We knew all along our immediate neighors are related to Mrs. Y, my church friend. During the casual conversation, I mentioned to these Asian neighors that many years ago, I was the medical translator for Mrs. Y's relative and wonder if they know whom I was talking about and also how is that person doing these days? The couple looked at me with wide eyes and disbelief, they were shocked to find out the translator they met nine years ago in the medical center was the hostess and neighbor of this gathering. Instant connection...  I am so thankful that the Lord opens this door for us to connect once again with one another and they may just one day will get to know Whom I beleive and serve. I was only a stranger to them then and they said all these times they were hoping one day they would find this mysterious lady. God paved this connection.

Case #2: A good friend of mine (R) from LA area has been praying alongside with me for my recent medical journey. R has been very faithful, called and texted me often to check on me. She told me many times that her cell group is praying for me too. I thank her for her kindness. Today I received an email from a friend, (E) from many years ago (old church friend) that she has been praying for a lady from Seattle with some blood disorder per one of her cell group member's request. Recently, R decided to show the picture of the lady whom they have been praying for and update them on her condition. E and her husband were shocked to find out the mysterious "Jennie" person that they have been praying these past few months is the Jennie Li that they know so well from ECC (my church). These two incidents happened just last couple of days, I am totally overwhelmed by God's work in our lives.

Our church has been teaching missional life and "Life to life, faith to faith and generation to generation" for these five years. It is not just the sermon, passages from the Bible, but it is indeed our lives. Lord, help me to live a life that is a reflection of your character and your purpose, may our lives bring out the true gospel of why you came to earth to offer us the eternal hope and salvation. I am using the same passage that E sent to me this morning in her email to encourage one another.

II Samuel 7: 18-22 "Who am I, O Sovereign Lord, and what is my family, that you have brought me this far? And as if this were not enough in your sight. O Sovereign Lord, you have also spoken about the future of the house of your servant. Is this your usual way of dealing with me, O Sovereign Lord?
What more can I (the bible said David) say to you? For you know your servant, O Sovereign Lord. For the sake of your word and according to your will, you have done this great thing and make it known to your servant. How great you are, O Sovereign Lord!. There is no one like you, and there is no God but you, as we have heard with our own ears."