Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Shinning through

As the sun shinning through my office window, Lord, may my life be a true reflection of your glory this very day. I will take one day at a time, may your words come alive in me and help me to understand your purpose in my life during this retirement stage. Teach me each day Lord. help me to live intentionally for the purpose you have called me. thank you.

Waiting room

Today, I went in for my annual mammogram. After I got changed and sat in the inside waiting area, there were so many ladies sitting there already wearing the same hospital gown that I have. Everyone was minding her own business, some were on their cell phone, some with a book, others like me, with a magazine that I picked up from the coffee table.

As I sat there and just wondered how many of us sitting there has anxious thought. For me, I did not expect any "bad" report nor "surprises". But wait, how could I be so sure? Since I will be seeing Dr. Fer next week, so I have asked for quick review and consultation. I must admit when the technician called my name with my result, my heart skipped a beat. But seeing the smile on her face, I relaxed immediately. I was thankful that the result is good and no changes from previous years. But not everyone would have the same result as I have. Recently, one of our friends just found out she has cancer through a routine mammogram, immediately her life turned upside down, busy looking for oncologist, surgeons, second opinion etc. etc.  Our lives can change in a spit second, but one thing for sure, we have Jesus as our anchor. Though storm came our way without expectation, but He knew far ahead and prepared every path for us already. We are tenderly anchored in Him for that eternal peace and comfort.