Monday, April 19, 2010

Great opportunity

Last Saturday night (4/17/2010) I watched the news about the stranded tourists in Europe due to the volcano eruption in Iceland. I had special concern then because our daughter and her husband are now travelling in Europe. Then, the news mentioned that a couple from the local area (didn't remember which country they were in), about our age, drove to the airport and intentionally to find some stranded family to offer them a place (their own home) to stay while the hotels were packed and money running out due to this situation. There came to a family of 5 and the couple offered to take them home to wash up and stay over night if it is needed. I was blown away with this kindness. This reminded me that two Christmas ago, while Seattle was hit with ice storm, many travelers were stranded at our SeaTac airport, I remembered distinctly I said, "though our travel plan may be delayed, we still had a home to go back to for overnight while waiting." This couple's kindness spurred me to do the same in case there is similar situation (heaven forbid) here, we can definitely bring them to our church and offer them a warm place to stay, hot shower and rally people to bring in food for them..... I am sure this thought will linger in my mind and heart for a long time and hope I will remember this possibility of offering kindness when needed.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Welcome to my blog

Each day, I got on to read about the devotional written by different godly women. I always thought why can't I start to write about my own reflection of my spiritual journey. Definitely not a good writer, but at least I will try. So here I am, stay could be days, weeks or even months before the next posting.